I found the archives Hebrew-English dictionary today, so I finally was able to confirm the meaning of such words as “director-general,” “deputy director,” “bureau,” “circular” (as in a memo, not the shape), and “post-primary schools.” I ordered another set of files, but due to a typo, they won’t be delivered until Sunday (the archives are closed tomorrow). I’ve been going through the material pretty fast, and I think I may be finished with this archive by Monday, at the earliest.
That will still leave me a lot still to do, though. I need to spend at least a day or two in the
Since I finished a little early today, I took the #7 bus from near the hotel to downtown

After that, I wandered down
There were a few protesters and what looked like a film crew on a shoe-string budget. I thought they were protesting the latest controversy over an illegal settlement, but it turns out they objected to the light rail system.
I made my back to the hotel, via the Baka neighborhood. This is a similar sort of construction as the German and Greek colonies, though a little quieter. I decided to come back and eat dinner on Derekh Beit Lehem. I’ve been very frugal all week (today’s lunch of four borekas, a soda, a small coffee, and a small danish came to about $10), so I decided to treat myself to dinner in a restaurant.
I chose the modestly named “Grand Café,” and I decided to order the special: fish kebobs on a spicy herbal cream sauce with tomato salad. I expected whole chunks of fish, but of course in the
Instead of having dessert, I wanted to finally try the “Waffle Bar” (conveniently, one was located across the street). I decided to go simple and get a belgian waffle with vanilla sauce and hot chocolate. I didn’t realize it also came with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and an even larger scoop of whipped cream.
The Belgian waffle was the size of two, and I do really believe that these were meant to be shared; it’s too much for one person to eat. The edges of the waffle were covered in a vanilla sauce that tasted like crème anglais, but had the consistency of whipped cream. In the middle was a sea of hot, dark chocolate sauce. It was definitely overkill. I undid all the good work of this week’s exercise. At least I managed to burn off a few of the calories on the 15 minute walk back (up hill) to the hotel. That was on top of the 3 hours of walking I had done earlier, so maybe I broke even.
Since I can’t work tomorrow, I’m heading down to Tel-Aviv in the morning for the annual Pride parade. Ofer has graciously offered to put me up in his guest room, so I don’t have to take a sherut back to Jerusalem tomorrow evening (after all the buses shut down for Shabbat). I’m leaving my computer in the hotel, so no blog updates until I get back Saturday night.
According to the weather reports, the temperature in
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