Saturday, July 05, 2008

Over the top?

I've cleaned up the reorganized bedroom (mostly by piling things up in the cleaned-up dining room). I strung up my chili pepper lights, but I'm worried it might be a bit over the top. Let me know what you think.

Here you can see that the mirror has been hung up, along with the paper lantern and chili pepper lights. The stereo cabinet has been moved to where the bookcase used to be.

Here you can see the new desk. The wood bookcase that used to be against the wall has been moved to my office. The bookcase that used to be in the corner (where the stereo cabinet is) is now just at the entrance to the room.

Here's a full-on shot of my new desk:

Finally, here's a shot of the chili pepper lights with the blinds closed:

Friday, July 04, 2008


I've made some changes to my apartment, starting with the living and dining room. I've moved out one of the book cases to my office and put the stereo cabinet in the bedroom. I've also rearranged the paintings and the lamps. I still need to get two of the pictures in the room framed to hang on the wall (the long one will go between the china hutches, the blue one will go opposite the dining table).

Here's the revised living room (with the modified west wall):

A close up of the dining room table and chairs (with painting still to be framed in background):

Another shot of the revised dining room (note movement of liquor cabinet and microwave and addition of spice rack):

You can see here how I've moved out the book case and replaced it with the liquor cabinet and have also changed the paintings (you can compare the original arrangement by scrolling down):

The major change here is the reversal of the lamps and the movement of the painting:

One last view, this time from the balcony facing towards the dining room and kitchen: